
Inflammation Research

Membrane Protein Drug Discovery In Vitro Assays
Membrane proteins are the most successful class of therapeutic targets. Creative Biolabs has developed a comprehensive collection of membrane protein in vitro assays for drug discovery that cover most membrane protein targets.
Membrane Protein In Vitro Assay Kits
Creative Biolabs has the assays you can rely on for high throughput screening, lead optimization, characterizing and discovering targets, and uncovering the complexity of disease pathways. We can offer membrane protein in vitro assay kits that save valuable laboratory time and is ideal for high throughput screening.
Membrane Protein Stable Cell Lines
Membrane protein stable cell lines are widely used in many areas of biomedical research. Creative Biolabs can offer membrane protein stable cell lines to stablish in vitro models for High Throughput Screening.
Creative Biolabs' membrane preparations are useful for membrane protein research. We offer membrane preparations to study the role of membrane proteins in diseases. Membrane preparations from Creative Biolabs are quality-assured frozen membranes from cells expressing recombinant or natural receptors.

Inflammation is a normal response of the human body to injury or disease. It is a complex process involving releasing immune and signaling molecules and changes in blood flow and cellular activity. Inflammation plays a vital role in protecting us from infection and helping to repair tissue damage. However, chronic inflammation can lead to several diseases, including heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. Researchers are working to understand the inflammation process better and develop new and more effective treatments for inflammation-related diseases.

Causes and consequences of low-grade system chronic inflammation. Systemic Chronic Inflammation.Fig.1 Causes and consequences of low-grade system chronic inflammation. (Furman, et al., 2019).

Membrane Proteins in Inflammations Research

One area of inflammation research is the role of membrane proteins in inflammation. These proteins are found on the surface of cells and play a key role in regulating the immune response. By understanding how these proteins work, researchers hope to develop new therapies targeting inflammation at its source.

  • Acute Inflammation

Acute inflammation is a process that occurs in response to tissue injury and is characterized by the acute phase reaction. This reaction is a systemic response that leads to the mobilization of inflammatory cells and the release of mediators of inflammation. The acute phase reaction is necessary for the clearance of pathogens and the repair of tissue damage. However, acute inflammation can also lead to diseases, such as sepsis, if not adequately regulated. Therefore, a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying acute inflammation may lead to improved treatments for these diseases.

One key player in acute inflammation is a Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) membrane protein. TLR4 is a receptor for lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a molecule found on the surface of bacteria. When LPS binds to TLR4, it triggers an inflammatory response. TLR4 is found on immune cells, such as macrophages, and is essential for their ability to respond to LPS. Studies in humans have shown that mutations in TLR4 are associated with increased susceptibility to diseases like sepsis and Crohn's disease. These studies suggest that TLR4 plays a vital role in regulating acute inflammation.

Regulation of pro- and anti-inflammatory TLR4 signaling.Fig.2 Regulation of pro- and anti-inflammatory TLR4 signaling. (Li, et al., 2013)

Another critical factor in acute inflammation is integrin. Integrin helps white blood cells attach to surfaces to migrate to the site of injury or infection. Once there, they release inflammatory substances that help to fight the foreign invader or promote healing. However, integrin can become activated if acute inflammation persists and cause chronic inflammation. In these cases, treatment may be necessary to reduce the risk of long-term damage.

Schematic showing integrin antagonists and agonists differ in their ability to reduce inflammatory disease.Fig.3 Schematic showing integrin antagonists and agonists differ in their ability to reduce inflammatory disease. (Wong, et al., 2011)

  • Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a type of inflammation that persists over time. It significantly contributes to several chronic diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer. The exact cause of chronic inflammation is unknown, but it is believed to involve a complex interaction between the immune system and various environmental factors.

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a type of protein produced by the liver in response to chronic inflammation. CRP is a marker of chronic inflammation, and it can be used to help diagnose and guide treatment. High levels of CRP are often seen in people with chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease. Treatment for chronic inflammation typically involves identifying and addressing the underlying cause. In some cases, this may involve medication or surgery. In other cases, lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and getting regular exercise may be enough to control chronic inflammation.

Scheme of CRP-induced inflammation.Fig.4 Scheme of CRP-induced inflammation. (Savoia, et al., 2007)


  1. Furman, D.; et al. Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span. Nature Medicine. 2019, 25(12): 1822-1832.
  2. Li, B.; et al. Evolving Bacterial Envelopes and Plasticity of TLR2-Dependent Responses: Basic Research and Translational Opportunities. Frontiers in Immunology. 2013, 4: 347.
  3. Wong, V.; et al. Integrin activation as an alternative treatment approach for inflammatory diseases. Acta Pharmacological Sinica. 2011, 32: 1309-1310.
  4. Savoia, C.; et al. Reduction of C-reactive protein and the use of anti-hypertensives. Vascular health and risk management. 2007, 3: 975-83.

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