
Luciferase Assay Services

The luciferase assay is a sensitive and convenient method to detect gene transcription activity. Creative Biolabs is flexible to meet the unique needs of our client projects. We can apply our considerable experience with luciferase assay to develop the necessary analytics specific to your project.

Overview of Luciferase Assay

Luciferase is an enzyme used for bioluminescence by various organisms in nature, most famously the firefly. Luciferase is also used as a reporter enzyme to assess gene expression in prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells, as the amount of luciferase correlates with light intensity in the presence of excess luciferase and ATP. The scientists created a structure in which the regulatory region of the target gene fuses with the DNA coding sequence for luciferase. Luciferase assay is used to determine whether a protein activates or suppresses the expression of a target gene. If the protein upregulates the transcription of the target gene, the cell will express luciferase. If the protein is down-regulated, the cell will express less luciferase than normal. Unlike ChIP or EMSA analyses, which only assess the ability of proteins to interact with DNA regions, luciferase assays can establish functional links between the presence of proteins and the number of gene products. The test cannot determine whether the protein directly interacts with the DNA itself; The protein can indirectly affect transcription by activating or inhibiting individual proteins or protein complexes that affect transcription.

A luciferase assay.Fig.1 A luciferase assay. (Matt, 2015)

Three Types of Luciferase Assay and Their Applications

  • Multicolor Luciferase Assay

1) Transient multicolor luciferase assay

This system is used widely for basic biological studies, including those of gene expression, post-transcriptional modification, protein-protein interactions, and diagnostic and drug discovery applications because it is suited for high-throughput screening.

2) Noninvasive multicolor luciferase assay

The noninvasive multicolor luciferase assay was also used in cellulo and in vivo studies of post-translational stabilization, signaling pathways, and protein-protein interactions by using a CCD camera to capture the luciferase emissions.

Underlying principle and application of the multicolor luciferases assay system.Fig.2 Underlying principle and application of the multicolor luciferases assay system. (Nakajima, 2010)

  • Secreted Luciferase Assay

The secreted bioluminescence reporter assay systems could be used to analyze in detail transcriptomes and promote roles and screen new drugs or detect harmful chemicals.

  • Imaging Luciferase Assay

Molecular imaging using fluorescent or bioluminescent reporters is one of the most sensitive methods, using the most cost-effective and simplest procedures.

Advantages of Luciferase Assay

  • Rapid
  • Simple
  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Sensitive
  • Possess a broad linear range
  • The luminescence can be measured quantitatively and longitudinally with real-time resolution in cellulo and in vivo

Creative Biolabs’ team of highly qualified and experienced technical staff will work with you to develop and deliver luciferase assay. We have the expertise to optimize each stage to ensure you get your desired outcome. Please feel free to contact us for detail.


  1. Matt, C.; Jennifer, S. Biochemical Assays and Intracellular Signaling. Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience (Second Edition). 2015
  2. Nakajima, Y.; Ohmiya, Y. Bioluminescence assays: multicolor luciferase assay, secreted luciferase assay, and imaging luciferase assay. Expert opinion on drug discovery. 2010, 5(9): 835-849.
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