
Label-Free Whole Cell Assay Services

Biosensor-centered label-free cell assay technologies become a very active area for G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) screening. Creative Biolabs is a USA world-leading drug discovery company that has been at the forefront of GPCR drug research for more than 10 years. Our expertise is accomplished by a team of strategic advisors and technical advisors who are among the most renowned experts in their fields.

Overview of Label-free Technologies for Cell-based Assays

Label-free cellular assays use a biosensor to detect a drug molecule-induced cellular response. Recently, two types of biosensors, electric biosensors based on impedance and optical biosensors based on dynamic mass redistribution (DMR), have been emerging as leading platforms for label-free cellular assays. Label-free biosensors provide a noninvasive means to investigate cellular responses at the whole-cell and cell-system level with high temporal resolutions. With advances in biosensor design and instrumentation, the application of label-free biosensors has expanded to examine a variety of cellular processes. Label-free whole-cell assays have been used to characterize a diverse array of receptors, including GPCRs.

Principles of label-free platforms. Fig.1 Principles of label-free platforms. (Fang, 2011)

Label-free Cell-based Assays for GPCR Screening

  • Receptor Panning

Label-free cell-based assays are capable of monitoring the activity of different classes of GPCRs, offering a universal assay platform for assaying endogenously expressed and functionally active receptors in a cell system.

  • Systems Cell Biology Studies of GPCR Signaling

Label-free cell assay technologies typically measure an integrated cellular response, such as DMR signals obtained with RWG biosensors, or the impedance signals obtained with electrical biosensors.

Schematic depiction of the ability of label-free receptor assays to detect critical nodes in the signaling network of a receptor. Fig.2 Schematic depiction of the ability of label-free receptor assays to detect critical nodes in the signaling network of a receptor. (Fang, 2010)

  • Ligand Pharmacological Profiling

GPCR ligands show wide variation in their ability to promote receptor activation. Biosensor-based cell assays offer a universal assay platform for conducting a pharmacological evaluation of ligands across a spectrum of receptors and cell types irrespective of the coupling mechanism.

  • High Throughput Screening
  • Hits to Leads

Once a hit is selected from primary screening, the action of the hit on a cell system can be systematically studied using label-free cell assay technologies.

Advantages of Label-free Whole Cell Assay

  • Provide a highly accurate representation of the behavior of cells in response to stimulation.
  • Offer far more useful information, such as the action, mode, and mechanisms of compounds under conditions more closely resembling the physiological environment.

Biosensor-based cell assays enable the measurement of multiple classes of GPCRs simultaneously from a single assay, providing a universal yet highly sensitive platform for GPCR screens. At Creative Biolabs, we team up with you to understand your needs and develop customized solutions to your satisfaction. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more.


  1. Fang, Y. The development of label-free cellular assays for drug discovery. Expert opinion on drug discovery. 2011, 6(12): 1285-1298.
  2. Fang, Y. Label-free receptor assays. Drug Discovery Today: Technologies. 2010, 7(1): e5-e11.
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