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  • jRCaMP1 Sensor Tools

    Product Category:
    Membrane Staining and Imaging Reagents
    Genetically Encoded Sensors

    To image brain activity in vivo, scientists have created high-sensitivity red GECIs based on RCaMP. New RCaMP (jRCaMP1) variations based on mRuby offer better sensitivity and kinetics. There are two jRCaMP1 variants: jRCaMP1a and jRCaMP1b. In comparison to their parent sensors, jRCaMP1a and jRCaMP1b were also significantly enhanced. Compared to jRCaMP1b, jRCaMP1a has a higher sensitivity and slower degradation kinetics. The dynamic range of jRCaMP1b is greater and is unaffected by saturation in the range of 1-160 action potentials (APs). However, in cultured neurons and solution, jRCaMP1a has a highly constrained dynamic range. In the calcium-bound form, jRCaMP1a and jRCaMP1b are two times brighter than jRGECO1a. Both reagents have had their performance assessed in cultured neurons as well as in vivo in mice, Drosophila, zebrafish, and C. elegans. Creative Biolabs has developed several jRCaMP1-related tools to boost our global customers' research and project goals.

    • Plasmid
    • Cell line
    • Virus
    Creative Biolabs can offer plasmids expressed genetically encoded sensors.
    Product Name Cat# Vector Vector Type Datasheet Inquiry
    jRCaMP1 AVV Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX295 pAAV
    jRCaMP1 Lentiviral Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX296 pCDH Mammalian Expression
    Custom jRCaMP1 Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX297 Customized Mammalian Expression
    Creative Biolabs can provide customized genetically encoded sensor cell lines to support membrane protein drug screening and development.
    Product Name Cat# Host Cell Type Quantity (Cells) Deliverable Datasheet Inquiry
    jRCaMP1 Stable CHO Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX298 CHO 1×10⁶
    jRCaMP1 Stable HEK293 Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX299 HEK293 1×10⁶
    Custom jRCaMP1 Stable Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX300 Customized 1×10⁶
    Creative Biolabs offers genetically encoded sensor lentiviral virus and AAV virus to meet special requirements.
    Product Name Cat# Serotype Reporter Gene Titer Unit Size Datasheet Inquiry
    Custom jRCaMP1 Lentiviral Virus S01YF-0623-KX301 N/A >10⁸ TU/mL
    jRCaMP1a-Syn AAV Virus (NES-jRCaMP1a-WPRE) S01YF-0623-KX302 None 10¹³ v.g./mL 100 μL
    jRCaMP1a-Syn AAV Virus (FLEX-NES-jRCaMP1a-WPRE) S01YF-0623-KX303 None 10¹³ v.g./mL 100 μL
    jRCaMP1a-CAG AAV Virus (FLEX-NES-jRCaMP1a-WPRE) S01YF-0623-KX304 None 10¹³ v.g./mL 100 μL
    jRCaMP1b-Syn AAV Virus (NES-jRCaMP1b-WPRE) S01YF-0623-KX305 None 10¹³ v.g./mL 100 μL
    jRCaMP1b-Syn AAV Virus (FLEX-NES-jRCaMP1b-WPRE) S01YF-0623-KX306 None 10¹³ v.g./mL 100 μL
    jRCaMP1b-CAG AAV Virus (FLEX-NES-jRCaMP1b-WPRE) S01YF-0623-KX307 None 10¹³ v.g./mL 100 μL
    jRCaMP1a-EF1α AAV Virus (DIO-NES-jRCaMP1a) S01YF-0623-KX308 AAV9 None 100 μL
    jRCaMP1b-EF1α AAV Virus (DIO-NES-jRCaMP1a) S01YF-0623-KX309 AAV9 None 100 μL
    Please note: All products are "FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC OR CLINICAL PROCEDURES" For licensing inquiries, please contact
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