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  • GCaMP6f Sensor Tools

    Product Category:
    Membrane Staining and Imaging Reagents
    Genetically Encoded Sensors

    The GCaMP6 sensors offer a similar baseline brightness compared to GCaMP5G and a 1.1-1.6-fold increase in dynamic range. The most sensitive sensor gave signals that were seven times greater for tiny quantities of action potentials. With sensitivity comparable to OGB1-AM, GCaMP6f is the quickest genetically encoded calcium indicator for cytoplasmic free calcium in neurons. It is made up of calmodulin, a circularly permuted green fluorescent protein, and the calmodulin-binding peptide M13. The following mutations exist in GCaMP6f in comparison to GCaMP5G: A317E, T381R, S383T, and R392G. Creative Biolabs can offer GCaMP6f-related products. The technicians at Creative Biolabs are available at all times to help clients with their projects and look for the best solution for each one.

    • Plasmid
    • Cell line
    • Virus
    Creative Biolabs can offer plasmids expressed genetically encoded sensors.
    Product Name Cat# Vector Vector Type Datasheet Inquiry
    GCaMP6f AVV Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX122 pAAV
    GCaMP6f Lentiviral Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX123 pCDH Mammalian Expression
    Custom GCaMP6f Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX124 Customized Mammalian Expression
    Creative Biolabs can provide customized genetically encoded sensor cell lines to support membrane protein drug screening and development.
    Product Name Cat# Host Cell Type Quantity (Cells) Deliverable Datasheet Inquiry
    GCaMP6f Stable CHO Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX125 CHO 1×10⁶
    GCaMP6f Stable HEK293 Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX126 HEK293 1×10⁶
    Custom GCaMP6f Stable Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX127 Customized 1×10⁶
    Creative Biolabs offers genetically encoded sensor lentiviral virus and AAV virus to meet special requirements.
    Product Name Cat# Serotype Reporter Gene Titer Unit Size Datasheet Inquiry
    GCaMP6f-CaMKIIa AAV Virus S01YF-0623-KX128 None 10¹² v.g./mL 50 μL
    GCaMP6f-EF1a AAV Virus (DIO-GCaMP6f-P2A-nls) S01YF-0623-KX129 tdTomato 10¹³ v.g./mL 50 μL
    GCaMP6f-Syn AAV Virus (Flex-GCaMP6f) S01YF-0623-KX130 None 50 μL
    GCaMP6f-Syn AAV Virus S01YF-0623-KX131 None 50 μL
    GCaMP6f-CMV bGlobin AAV Virus S01YF-0623-KX132 None 10¹³ v.g./mL 50 μL
    GCaMP6f-Syn AAV Virus (mRuby2-GSG-P2A-GCaMP6f-WPRE-pA) S01YF-0623-KX133 mRuby2 10¹³ v.g./mL 50 μL
    GCaMP6f-CaMKIIa AAV Virus (GCaMP6f-P2A-nls) S01YF-0623-KX134 tdTomato 50 μL
    GCaMP6f-Syn AAV Virus (GCaMP6f-P2A-nls) S01YF-0623-KX135 tdTomato 50 μL
    GCaMP6f -Syn AAV Virus (GCaMP6f-WPRE) S01YF-0623-KX136 None 10¹³ v.g./mL 100 μL
    GCaMP6f -Syn AAV Virus (FLEX-GCaMP6f-WPRE) S01YF-0623-KX137 None 10¹³ v.g./mL 100 μL
    GCaMP6f -CAG AAV Virus (FLEX-GCaMP6f-WPRE) S01YF-0623-KX138 None 10¹³ v.g./mL 100 μL
    GCaMP6f -CAG Lentiviral Virus S01YF-0623-KX139 None None 10⁸ CFU/mL
    GCaMP6f -CMV Lentiviral Virus S01YF-0623-KX140 None None 10⁸ CFU/mL
    somaGCaMP6f2-hSyn AAV Virus (DIO-somaGCaMP6f2) S01YF-0623-KX141 AAV9 None 100 μL
    somaGCaMP6f1-hSyn AAV Virus (DIO-somaGCaMP6f1) S01YF-0623-KX142 AAV9 None 100 μL
    somaGCaMP6f2-hSyn AAV Virus S01YF-0623-KX143 AAV9 None 100 μL
    Please note: All products are "FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC OR CLINICAL PROCEDURES" For licensing inquiries, please contact
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