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  • Clomeleon Sensor Tools

    Product Category:
    Membrane Staining and Imaging Reagents
    Genetically Encoded Sensors

    A genetically encoded indicator called clomeleon allows for the optical assessment of resting Cl- in the physiologically appropriate range and the observation of Cl- transients induced by the activation of GABA receptors. Contrary to organic Cl- dyes, Clomeleon expression can be directed at particular neuronal populations. Due to these characteristics, Clomeleon is well suited for research on a variety of little-studied aspects of Cl- regulation, such as activity-dependent ionic plasticity, compartmental gradients of Cl-, sensory signal transduction, and pathophysiological mechanisms in a wide range of disorders. It is made up of a flexible peptide linker connecting a CFP derivative to the Topaz yellow fluorescent protein. Cl- levels can be monitored using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), which involves the interaction of Topaz and the CFP derivative. Creative Biolabs has successfully developed Clomeleon plasmids, viruses, and cell lines to meet your needs.

    • Plasmid
    • Cell line
    • Virus
    Creative Biolabs can offer plasmids expressed genetically encoded sensors.
    Product Name Cat# Vector Vector Type Datasheet Inquiry
    Clomeleon AVV Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX64 pAAV
    Clomeleon Lentiviral Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX65 pCDH Mammalian Expression
    Custom Clomeleon Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX66 Customized Mammalian Expression
    Creative Biolabs can provide customized genetically encoded sensor cell lines to support membrane protein drug screening and development.
    Product Name Cat# Host Cell Type Quantity (Cells) Deliverable Datasheet Inquiry
    Clomeleon Stable CHO Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX67 CHO 1×10⁶
    Clomeleon Stable HEK293 Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX68 HEK293 1×10⁶
    Custom Clomeleon Stable Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX69 Customized 1×10⁶
    Creative Biolabs offers genetically encoded sensor lentiviral virus and AAV virus to meet special requirements.
    Product Name Cat# Serotype Reporter Gene Titer Unit Size Datasheet Inquiry
    Custom Clomeleon Lentiviral Virus S01YF-0623-KX70 N/A >10⁸ TU/mL
    Custom Clomeleon AAV Virus S01YF-0623-KX71 >10¹² v.g./mL
    Please note: All products are "FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC OR CLINICAL PROCEDURES" For licensing inquiries, please contact
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