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  • Axon-GCaMP Sensor Tools

    Product Category:
    Membrane Staining and Imaging Reagents
    Genetically Encoded Sensors

    In order to enable reliable imaging of afferent calcium transients deep within tissue, scientists have overcome the constraints of genetically encoded calcium markers. By developing an axon-targeted GECI called axon-GCaMP6, which enriches solely in local or distal axons with improved brightness and photostability, they were able to extend calcium imaging beyond the soma and dendrites. Axon-GCaMP6 exhibits improved SNR and is diffusible and photostable. Axon motion correction in vivo is considerably facilitated by the abundance of axon-GCaMP6 in axons, which provides improved frame-to-frame cross-correlation without extensive averaging. Creative Biolabs is a world-leading provider in membrane protein drug discovery. We offer Axon-GCaMP plasmids, viruses, and cell lines to contribute to the success of your projects.

    • Plasmid
    • Virus
    • Cell line
    Creative Biolabs can offer plasmids expressed genetically encoded sensors.
    Product Name Cat# Vector Vector Type Datasheet Inquiry
    Axon-GCaMP AVV Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX28 pAAV
    Axon-GCaMP Lentiviral Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX29 pCDH Mammalian Expression
    Custom Axon-GCaMP Plasmid S01YF-0623-KX30 Customized Mammalian Expression
    Creative Biolabs offers genetically encoded sensor lentiviral virus and AAV virus to meet special requirements.
    Product Name Cat# Serotype Reporter Gene Titer Unit Size Datasheet Inquiry
    Axon-GCaMP6s-hSyn AAV Virus S01YF-0623-KX31 AAV9 None 100 μL
    Axon-GCaMP6s-EF1α AAV Virus (DIO-Axon-GCaMP6s) S01YF-0623-KX32 AAV9 None 100 μL
    Axon-GCaMP6m-hSyn AAV Virus S01YF-0623-KX33 AAV9 None 100 μL
    Axon-GCaMP6f-hSyn AAV Virus S01YF-0623-KX34 AAV9 None 100 μL
    Axon-GCaMP6m-EF1α AAV Virus (DIO-Axon-GCaMP6m) S01YF-0623-KX35 AAV9 None 100 μL
    Axon-GCaMP6f-EF1α AAV Virus (DIO-Axon-GCaMP6f) S01YF-0623-KX36 AAV9 None 100 μL
    Custom Axon-GCaMP Lentiviral Virus S01YF-0623-KX37 N/A >10⁸ TU/mL
    Creative Biolabs can provide customized genetically encoded sensor cell lines to support membrane protein drug screening and development.
    Product Name Cat# Host Cell Type Quantity (Cells) Deliverable Datasheet Inquiry
    Axon-GCaMP Stable CHO Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX38 CHO 1×10⁶
    Axon-GCaMP Stable HEK293 Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX39 HEK293 1×10⁶
    Custom Axon-GCaMP Stable Cell Line S01YF-0623-KX40 Customized 1×10⁶
    Please note: All products are "FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC OR CLINICAL PROCEDURES" For licensing inquiries, please contact
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